
Everyone Deserves a Brighter Future

My name is Jessica Sarowitz, and I serve on Heart of the City’s Board of Directors because I believe that the kids in our communities deserve the opportunities, the confidence, and the guidance to navigate toward a brighter future.

In our service area, the high school graduation rate is only 73%. 70% of the students are eligible for free or reduced lunch and 16,000 residents live in poverty, with limited opportunities to enroll their kids in extra-curricular activities.

With the support of generous donors over the past year, we initiated a Health and Wellness program to identify and address physical and mental health needs. Working directly with our families and one-on-one with our students, we educate them on accessing community healthcare services, connect them to the appropriate needed partners and resources, and then follow up to ensure their needs are being addressed.

Heart of the City provides affordable soccer programs subsidized with the help of generous supporters. These programs use the sport of soccer to empower youth to play, learn, and grow. On the field, coaches and mentors emphasize teamwork, communication, decision-making, and self-confidence. Off the field, students have access to academic support, health and wellness resources, leadership training, volunteer opportunities, and college and career readiness tools.

Please consider a tax-deductible end-of-year gift to help make a significant impact in the future health and success of our student athletes – your generosity will help provide a pathway to wellness and future success and give hope to our youth and our whole community.