In-Kind Donations
Thank you for considering an in-kind gift to Heart of the City!
You can help us ensure that the majority of our funding goes toward accessible soccer opportunities for families in Lake County.

Many in-kind donations received are used quickly and need to be replenished often. Certain times of the year also create a higher demand for items:
Items currently in high demand
- Paper plates
- Napkins
- Plastic eating utensils
- Spiral notebooks
- Two-pocket folders
- Three-ring binders
- Pencils and pens
- Backpacks
Items that need to be replenished regularly
- Bottled water
- Snack items
- Soccer balls (sizes 3, 4 and 5)
- Shin-guards
- Soccer cleats
- Goalkeeper gear
- Field equipment
- Soccer apparel
- White copy paper
- Office supplies (folders, paper clips, staples)
- Paper towel
- Toilet paper
- Trash bags